BEYOU 2024

The Challenges of Web Innovation

This program has been crafted with teenagers, young adults, and youths in mind, aiming to tackle the widespread uncertainty surrounding self-identity in the contemporary world.

Our fundamental belief is rooted in the idea that each person is intentionally fashioned in the likeness of God, and nothing about their design is a random occurrence.

Our central conviction revolves around the notion that every individual possesses a unique life purpose, and the ultimate goal for everyone is to uncover their connection with God and recognize the specific calling He has for them.


Self-Esteem - The Window to Exposure

This program has been crafted with teenagers, young adults, and youths in mind, aiming to tackle the widespread uncertainty surrounding self-identity in the contemporary world. Our fundamental belief is rooted in the idea that each person is intentionally fashioned in the likeness of God, and nothing about their design is a random occurrence.

Our central conviction revolves around the notion that every individual possesses a unique life purpose, and the ultimate goal for everyone is to uncover their connection with God and recognize the specific calling He has for them.

365 o'Clock

The Chosen Generation...

Setting new goals and resolutions is a frequent occurrence, but the real test lies in maintaining commitment to these objectives, especially when life throws unexpected challenges our way. These moments of adversity can add a unique and imperfect beauty to our journey. “365 O’Clock” serves as a platform for us to pause, reflect, unwind, and rejuvenate ourselves as we prepare for the path that lies ahead.

Purpose Merge 2024

How to Fulfill Purpose!

An interactive platform for young couples and those on the path to marriage, offering a space to delve into the topic of compatibility in alignment with one’s individual life purpose. The ultimate aim is to fortify relationships and marriages, gain clarity, and lead fulfilling lives while harnessing one’s full potential.


Meet the Speakers

Our bench of speakers includes some well-established and successful professionals & consultants who are known to be ruling the industry for years. Join the seminar and take a step closer to being informed.

Segun a.

Sr. Creative Designer

Hank Freeman

Web Developer


UX Designer

James Scott

UX Analyst

Our Sponsors

It is not possible to host several seminars in different locations without helping hands. We have several sponsors who volunteer to help us physically and financially to make things happen.

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